Tuesday, February 16, 2021

To BEAD or not to BEAD?

Beads, beads, beads. Something I have always LOVED and something I will always love. Over time, as I have searched for my “inner” what-turns-me-on-the-most-in-art-and-fashion, I have discovered I have two sources of my greatest joy. Fabric art, as in quilts, wall hangings, etc. and jewelry, with a concentration on beads. It may stem from my hippie days, but beads have long fascinated me.

So many beads, so little time!

During trips to the country of Ghana, I’ve been privileged to travel to a local “Bead” Factory where my interest and love for beads continued to increase. It was also during those trips where I gained my understanding and knowledge of the manufacturing of glass beads that speak to and represent life events in the culture of Ghana. 

The hand manufacturing of Glass Beads is a simply amazing process. I continue to emphasis Glass Beads, because there are several kinds of beads produced in Ghana, including brass beads, but the process I was able to witness was the production of the Glass Beads. Glass Beads are what are sold at The Cumberland Shop.

It takes quite a bit of time to drive to the Bead Factory. Of course, roads continue to improve in Ghana, and the last time I was able to go to the Factory, although we did have to travel over some clay roads, most of the trip was on a modern highway.

I always love making the trips to these remote locations because over time, we have been able to scout out several places where nice bathrooms are available to take advantage of on the sometimes bumpy parts of the road. You have to think about those things! Yay! I love a good adventure!

When we arrived at the factory on this last trip, I noticed the addition of a new sign, and a new swinging door to assure the security of the compound, which tells me bead sales are helping to add improvements as well as employ a nice number of people. That is great news.

We drove in, were welcomed by a security guard, parked our car and then made our way past piles of glass bottles waiting their turn to be transformed into something beautiful! The bottles were sorted according to color, with piles of clear, green, blue, brown and assorted bottles.

Glass bottles waiting to be turned into beads.

On a previous trip, sitting to one side was a young man who was VERY carefully breaking the glass bottles with a small hammer, continuing to crush them until they had reached the stage of a powder. We were instructed to stay far away, due to the possibility of flying glass and for the protection of our feet. I noticed the young man’s shoes were sitting near him, but as he pounded, his bare feet were tucked underneath his body as he sat cross legged. Thankfully, he had plastic goggles on that would protect his eyes, since he was obviously sitting in very close proximity to the action.

That first step alone blew me away! But soon we were able to observe as the powder was carefully placed in small handmade molds of different size that were gently placed inside wood and charcoal fired ovens made from the clay harvested from large ant hills. These ovens were so hot, that we couldn’t stand to be too close. In the already hot air of the spring in this equatorial country, being anywhere near these ovens gave you a real sense that one day, ‘hell’ was not the place you desired to spend eternity! LOL!

The powder was melted down into the mold and then removed and a piece of metal was inserted into the middle of the beads. This forms the hole that enables the bead to be threaded with wire, cord, plastic or elastic. There are various shapes and sizes of the glass bead molds, and the sizes of the holes also vary to accompany the bead sizes. It is indeed a fascinating process.

After the holes are formed and the beads are cooled down, a light polishing needs to take place on each bead to give them the slight glimmer or clean look that you want to see.

Beads that will remain a slightly see-thru quality will stay as they are after polishing, and they are importantly one solid color. Many other beads, though, have just begun their journey and will be painstakingly hand-painted by Artisans, one color at a time, forming glorious flower and geometric designs. Afterwards, they are fired again to set the colors and after they are cooled, they are beautifully paired with any number, size and color of beads to make breathtaking bead jewelry, unlike nowhere in our world.

Beads are used for celebrations and festivals. They are an artistic expression for a particular family or tribe. In Ghana, beads have a spiritual meaning. Beads are obviously a fashion statement and beads are also used as a trading currency. From as early as the 16th century, beads were used as a bartering tool, unfortunately some were used to barter for slaves. Beads remain a vital part of the culture and commodity of the nation of Ghana and you don’t want to leave Ghana without beads and jewelry made from these beautiful ornamental pieces.

Beautiful finished projects!

Since the quality of materials to properly construct the bead jewelry is hard to find in Ghana without ordering from out of the country, The Cumberland Shop has purchased beads directly from the factory in Ghana at full price, to make into jewelry to sell here in the USA. In doing so, we have been able to make quality pieces that have become very popular as gifts and for individuals to collect benefiting the makers, and the Oasis International Training Centre in Ghana. Each piece purchased helps to support students at the Training Centre as they learn Life Skills and trades that pave the way for a skilled job, position and possible entry to a school of higher education. In just two months of sales at The Cumberland Shop of our bead jewelry, over $1,000.00 has been given back to the school to support the work being done in Ghana.

The teachers working with the OITC students.

Please stop by the shop to take a look at our gorgeous, original Ghana Bead jewelry. Each piece you receive comes with an original batik bag, hand sewn and made from hand dyed batik, also from the country of Ghana. Thank you for reading this short article about this amazing process that has a long history in West Africa, I know it will give you a new appreciation for how much more lovely the jewelry made with these beads is.

So to answer the question, To Bead or Not To Bead.... we’re definitely going to BEAD!

Ghana Beads finished products - beautiful!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

What is your Love Language?

I have taken the “Love Language” quiz three times. If you have never taken it, I suggest you give it a try, and better yet read the book, “The Five Love Languages”, written by Gary Chapman, a professional marriage counsellor, doctor of anthropology and pastor. Gary’s success has stretched way beyond religion and his faith into business and secular conversation due to the accuracy and wisdom found in this book/study/quiz.

Having used it in small groups, leadership seminars and while teaching manners and etiquette here and abroad, I simple love what it continues to teach me about myself and about others. 

I hope I’m not getting too deep today, friends. LOL.

Every time I have taken the quiz, my results have turned out exactly the same. My love languages are pretty evenly, 1.) Acts of Service and 2.) Giving Gifts. Because of that, and because that is what I also expect of people, I have misunderstood some of my dearest friends.

When my expectation isn’t met in these areas, or when someone spurns or does not place value on my acts of service or gifts, I have gotten confused, hurt, melancholy, and sad. 

When I give a gift it is well thought through. Many times, I have given it because of an over-active ability to listen to wants, and needs during the most casual conversations! If you even mention you like something, my radar is on it, and I won’t soon forget it. I will pay attention to your colours, your style, your size, your whatever... because to me, I would only buy a gift that I am sure will be just what I think you want or something that you find out that (once you receive it), you can’t live without it! HA! HA!

But that’s just me and I am learning to not take it too seriously when others don’t pay as much attention to me, as I pay to them. There are a few people I would LOVE to administer the Love Language quiz to because I still have not figured out what makes them tick! But I won’t stop doing to them what makes me tick, even if the reciprocation is shallow or barely exists.

So, why am I talking about this on The Cumberland Shop blog? Because I see great value in thinking of others in tangible ways.

Recently, my oldest relative, Aunt Vera, passed away at 96, almost 97 years old. Although she was my Aunt, and not my Mom or Grandmother, she was very dear and important to me. After my mother passed, she kind of stepped in to attend every life event, filling in for Mom. I visited her regularly and loved spending time taking her to lunch and shopping with her for groceries, etc. I truly will miss her.

I was overwhelmed and touched at the number of cards I received after her passing. I had not really mourned yet. Then low and behold, a few days later, my church family sent me a beautiful box of goodies from a company that makes delicious English Muffins. When I opened the box and realised their thoughtfulness and empathy toward me, the floodgates opened. Genuinely touched, I lovingly looked at each gift as my eyes filled with tears that eventually overflowed onto my face. I felt loved. They hit me right in the center of the receiving-end of my love languages. Every muffin I enjoy will keep speaking not just to my taste buds, but to my heart.

At The Cumberland Shop, we like to feel like we are experts at helping you to give out love, thoughtfulness, joy, sympathy, empathy and hope. We can do with lots of that today, can’t we?

A thoughtfully given gift, no matter the size, can do wonders to ease hurt, heal pain and comfort. A gift can add joy, confirm love, and repair a misunderstanding. Then, when you add a few personal words on a card to that gift, you can make a person's day and even change a person's life.

Hand-drawn cards from TokkiDesign Art, available at The Cumberland Shop

Even if your love language isn’t giving gifts or acts of service, I am all but sure you would be touched to receive a gift and/or a card that we have carefully and purposefully helped someone select from the very vast array of goodies we carry at the shop. And if you are a willing receiver of gifts and want to be remembered, no shame! Stop by the shop and add your list to our ever growing “My Wish List” book. 

Ready for The Cumberland Shoppers to create their list!
I love the sheer delight of watching someone open a gift that I have hand selected for them. With the opportunity now, as a part of The Cumberland Shop staff, the joy has come full circle! I see the awesome goodies come in the door, I help to display them so you can be inspired and think of what will fit who in personality and style and need, and then I am able to hear from the receivers, when they come into the store as a result of a gift given to them from The Cumberland Shop. This can be almost heaven for a person who’s love language is Gift Giving! Actually, that’s probably one of the reasons I was inspired to open the shop.

We package your purchase so it's ready to give - what can we say, Acts of Service!

So if you want to “brush up” on your gift giving skills, we’re ready for you, and while you're at it, make your own “Wish List." Then, tell someone you did so and that list is at The Cumberland Shop. That kind of LOVE just speaks our LANGUAGE!


Learn more about The 5 Love Languages and take the quiz to find yours here!

Linda's Yellow Door Studio at The Cumberland Shop

“I call this, ‘Love Blooms When The Heart is Ready'.” Linda stood there describing her piece, and tears pricked my eyes as I looked at t...